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Sheet Cooling

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All Machines are equipped with high speed cooling blowers for efficient cooling of formed parts. The machines also come with optional water mist spray for faster cooling.

Where there is a requirement of ejecting the parts at specific temperature infrared sheet temperature reader is also provided for measuring the temperature of the formed part during cooling. 

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Heater Movement, Heating Elements, Heating System, Inline Series, Motorised Frame Add On, Mould Platen Movement, Mould Platen System, Moulds Manufactured, Pfseries, Plastic Blister Packing Machinery, Plastic Skin Packing Machinery, Plastic Vacuum Forming Machinery, Plastic Vacuum Forming Machinery For Plastic, Plug Platen System, Plug Platen With Motorised Stroke Adjustment Option, Punching Station, Quick Mould Change System, Roll Feeding System, Roll Feeding Unwinder System, Sag Control, Sam Series, Sensors, Servo Driven Mould Platen System Option, Sheet Clamping, Sheet Cooling, Sheet Extruder Lines, Sheet Extrusion Plant, Shrink Film Wrapping Machines, Stacking Station, Tfm Series, Thermoforming Machine, Thermoplastic Vacuum Forming Machinery, Thick Sheet Thermoforming Machines With Automatic Sheet Loading Option, Thick Sheet Thermoforming Machines With Pneumatic Driven Mould Table, Thick Sheet Thermoforming Machines With Roll Feeding Option, Thick Sheet Thermoforming Machines With Servo Driven Mould Platen, Trim Winding Station, Vacuum Forming Machine, Vacuum Forming Machinery